Friday, July 17, 2009


the link below is UN-FATHOMABLE!!!! that we can allow something like this go on in our country...i mean...we are actually recruiting terroists in OUR country...yep right in Chi-town (which is close to where i live)...this is SO wrong...and Americans should not allow things like this to happen....i mean if we are allowing this...then why the HELL are we even fighting in Afgan or a war against terroists.....PLEASE READ THIS.....i think they should all be arrested and taken to GITMO.....obvioulsly they want to be terroists!!!!! this is beyond imaginable!!!!,2933,533525,00.html


  1. This is tolerance and freedom of speech. Try doing something like this in an Islamic country. Bash their govt or religion and probably have your tongue cut out.

  2. at the least!!! they are ruthless!!!! but not us Americans were are "tolerant" we accept everyone....even people that want to blow us off the face of the earth......and we "justify it" by calling it freedom of speech.....some one should have dropped a bomb on them or do something idiotic like they do and see how they like it.....when i saw this on the news i about fainted!!!! so i guess that our new government is promoting terrorism much as Bush is not my favorite president...i do not think he would allow this craziness to go on......i mean could you imagine something like this going on after Sept 11???? its so sad how Americans forget!!!!! they forget how they have their freedom to act like IDIOTS!!!

  3. thank God we have people that are going to protest this!!! thank God for the people that speak out in suppport of freedom & liberty!!! i just can not believe that we are recuiting terriosts on our own soil!!! im just very confused that we allow this to go on in our country
