Tuesday, June 30, 2009


It seems to me that the actions of the Obama administration are either ideologically naive or a purposeful plan to destroy free market capitalism and replace it with European socialism. The goals of the Marxist is to create an economy that practices economic justice, free of competition and equality for all (except for the ruling elite). In order to achieve these goals, government must be given great powers in order to facilitate this economic system. Since the US Constitution limits the powers of the Federal Government giving rights to citizens, implementing change will take the willingness of citizens to give up their rights and constitutionally granted freedoms. What would motivate free citizens to give up rights they have been entitled to for over 200 years in exchange for an all powerful government ruling over them and limiting their freedoms? Security is the only motivation that I can think of that would cause a free people to surrender to a tyranical government or maybe by force of arms (we haven’t come to that yet, but for the Marxist it is has been done many times).
I think as the economy continues to falter, more deficit spending, stimulus, government bailouts, nationalization of failing companies, higher taxes (i.e. Cap & Trade), universal healthcare, bankrupt states and hostile attitudes toward small businesses will cause near economic collapse. Is this ideological naivete or the use of a crisis to cripple capitalism and cause an economic catastrophy that will bring the American people to a state of panic and make them willing give up their freedoms in exchange for a nanny state that will control their lives and future.
When Obama promised change in his campaign for President he was not kidding. He was just not honest and upfront about the kind of change he had in mind. Americans did not realize they had elected a man President of the United States that was a committed Marxist and the change he had in mind was attempting to change America into a socialist nation. Problem with this vision for America is that socialism has not worked anywhere it has been tried. It fails everytime and eventually these nations end up going back to a free market based economy like Europe is in the process of doing now. Maybe Americans will catch on before it is to late, but my fear is that too many Americans prefer the nanny state and if Obama gets another term with a Democratic congress, radical change will come and I don’t think many will like the poverty it will bring to most.
Written by my Father..
tomorrow ill be wrting about Ronald Reagan


the link to the article below shows an article in TIME magazine...yes it was in the 70's...but it contradicts everything global warmists believe....and now congress is getting to try to pass and energy tax!!!!
people need to do more research on global warming myths....


Monday, June 29, 2009




these are a good history lesson about the start of our "hopefully wonderful" county..USA

there are a few more reformers you might want to read about....Martin Luthur, John Wesley.......
this is just the start of my blogs... have lots of bible versus that i will post to get people's opionions...they are about lots of different subjests....most about predistnation and election....which i have alot of biblical references....please if you can take time to read my links....they are just a brief start to my blogging.....my introduction.......i have sooo many contrsversinal issues that i will write about..and i want opionion about my thoughts!!!! once again!!! this just a start to my blog!!!! this is the theological part....the history of the start of USA.......so freedom of religion ......is JUDEO-CHRISTIANITY.....freedom of what denonation you believe....and freedon from government run religion...and life ( seems kinda scary to today).....this is just my begining!!!