Monday, September 14, 2009


after all the posts that i have put on my facebook.....or you can refer to was researching a little about our lovely presiden B.H.O. and this what i found an article....please read carefully (and i hope you have seen the 3 ACORN videos before you make your assumption).....this was before he was in just goes to show what type of "organizations" he was affliatied with..and to note that ACORN's main office is in Chicago!!! WOW!!! that is where Obama is from!!! please take your time..if you have not to watch these ACORN undercover video....because only one news station reports about them....oh and not to mention that ACORN says they are going to "sue" FOX news!!! hahaha....well i guess im going to sue starbucks for making "hot coffee" (what!! that one lady got alot of money from mcDonalds!) that just shows how STUPID lawsuits are these days!!! actually there SHOULD be a requirement of the STUPIDITY of your lawsuit!!!so therefore ACORN could not sue FOX...because they are OBVIOUSLY breaking the law..not once..not twice..but at least 3 times...and who knows how many more videos are on the way to the media!!! i am very HAPPY that these reporters had the courage to do something like seems that everyone these days are too "scared" to state their opionions....anyways...if you are not aware of the ACORN "problem" then refer to my facebook "Lauren Lanteigne" or to is a link to Obama's affliation with ACORN even before he was the president.....

Monday, August 10, 2009


here is the "origin" of the "don't tread on me" is very educational...but not long.....please take time to read a short bit of our country's history.....maybe if you dont have might develop what is called "common sense"

Monday, August 3, 2009


the below is an article about where some of our "stimulus tax money" has went to!!! i thought funding the "salt mouse" was unnecessary!!! but this is just UNBELIEVABLE!!! it just shows how you American society has degraded so far.....i would think that not too long ago in our country something like this wouldn't even be an issue!!!! i don't watch stuff like this....and i think this stuff isn't "art" is a bunch of perverts!!! it's actually sad to think that some of these"perverts" have children!!! wow i wonder how traumatized those poor kids are going to be!!!! soooooo sad!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009


As you know (if you watch the news or read the internet) that our president is trying to "hurry" through his big healthcare bill.....WAIT!!! one with common sense should ask these questions..why so fast??? and how are you defending that is will actually work??? and why now???...since we have so much debt and economic problems!!! well the link below is a short article to a perfect example of how univeral healthcare does not work....and this is right here in our country...MASSACHUSETTS.....imagine if our whole country adopted this policy... (imagine how small MA is compared to the whole US)....if it can't work in this small state....then how is it going to work in the whole US????? and the "taxing the rich to pay for it" is not an answer....because even if we are to tax them 100% we still can't pay for all the problems/debt our country has!!! think of government ran entities.....welfare for one.....YEAH REALLY SUCCESSFUL!!!! there is a whole list of government ran programs that SUCK!!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009


the link below is UN-FATHOMABLE!!!! that we can allow something like this go on in our country...i mean...we are actually recruiting terroists in OUR country...yep right in Chi-town (which is close to where i live)...this is SO wrong...and Americans should not allow things like this to happen....i mean if we are allowing this...then why the HELL are we even fighting in Afgan or a war against terroists.....PLEASE READ THIS.....i think they should all be arrested and taken to GITMO.....obvioulsly they want to be terroists!!!!! this is beyond imaginable!!!!,2933,533525,00.html

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Billy Graham's Prayer for our Nation

Truth.........from a man the media has never been able to throw dirt on..amazing!!

He has certainly hit the "world" on the head!!

Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation


'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics.. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!'

Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,' and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'One nation under God..'


i had a few ideas in mind to talk about about the second stimulus (which i hope to God it does not pass)...and i was also wanting to write about how the US is wanting (or did) cancel the "fly-over" which they said it was "too religious...or had too many religious meaning"..WHATEVER.....I read a wonderful quote from Billy Graham this morning (which i'll post it next for people to read)...

OK...besides all of the drama that is happening...(as out "saviour president" Obama's rating decline)
i found an article that really made me MAD....i'm posting the link below because Ms. Obama is a huge hypocrite!! I'm sure this doesn't surprise alot of you....but while everyone is struggling to be employed and just to survive now days....and with the dems (our current admin) talking about "we all need to cut back in this recession"....why in h-ll is she walking around Russia with about $6,000 clutch???? can you say H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E!!!
here is the link you can read for yourselves:

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I know alot of people will be upset about this article...because they loved M.Jackson or thought he was the best singer and dancer in the world!!! YES i do admit that he had some great songs...and was one of the best dancers i have ever seen in my life......but what about the article below??? What REALLY did M.Jackson do to help/improve America??? Did he fight for our rights?? Protect us??? No!!!! actually he WAS NOT A PROTECTOR OF CHILDREN!!! ok...maybe people disagree he was a child-molester...(don't know why they would..i would love to hear their arguement) but read the last sentence of this article..."would you let him baby-sit your children? Overnight???" I'd hope not!!

A day before New York Rep. Peter King called Michael Jackson a “pervert” unworthy of nonstop media coverage, the aunt of a U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan on the same day Jackson died asked why her nephew's death went virtually unnoticed while the King of Pop got memorial shrines across the country.

"Mr. Jackson received days of wall-to-wall coverage in the media," Martha Gillis wrote to the Washington Post. "Where was the coverage of my nephew or the other soldiers who died that week?"

Gillis' nephew, Lt. Brian Bradshaw, 24, died in Kheyl, Afganistan, of wounds suffered when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle. Bradshaw, of Steilacoom, Wash., was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Airborne Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division in Fort Richardson, Alaska. He was one of at least 13 U.S. soldiers to die in Afghanistan since Jackson's death on June 25.

Bradshaw's mother, Mary, said she agreed with Gillis, saying the nonstop coverage of Jackson's death has become "totally ridiculous" and laughable.

"I can watch the news many nights and there's no mention of what's going on in Afghanistan or Iraq and there's boys dying over there," Bradshaw told "Oh God, I can't talk."

Gillis, of Springfield, Va., could not be reached for comment. In her letter to the Washington Post, she described Bradshaw as a "thoroughly decent person with a wry sense of humor" who loved history, particularly the Civil War.

"He had old-fashioned values and believed that military service was patriotic and that actions counted more than talk," Gillis wrote. "He wasn't much for talking, although he could communicate volumes with a raised eyebrow."

Bradshaw, who graduated from Pacific Lutheran University, was the product of a military family. His father, Paul, is a retired National Guard helicopter pilot, and his mother is a retired Army nurse.

"He was a search-and-rescue volunteer, an altar boy, a camp counselor," Gillis' letter continued. "He carried the hopes and dreams of his parents willingly on his shoulders. What more than that did Michael Jackson do or represent that earned him memorial 'shrines,' while this soldier's death goes unheralded?"

Gillis said the only media outlets that covered Bradshaw's death were in his hometown of Steilacoom, Wash., and those where he was stationed before his deployment in March.

Gillis' sentiment echoes that of King, the Long Island, N.Y., congressman who called on society to stop "glorifying" Jackson in a YouTube video posted on Monday.

King said Jackson had been excessively praised in the days after his death while society ignored the efforts of teachers, police officers and veterans. In the two-minute video, King called the "day in and day out" coverage of Jackson's death "too politically correct."

"Let's knock out the psychobabble," he said in the video, which was taped outside an American Legion Hall in his district. "He was a pervert, a child molester; he was a pedophile. And to be giving this much coverage to him, day in and day out, what does it say about us as a country? I just think we're too politically correct."

King, who is among the possible Republican contenders to run against Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, acknowledged that Jackson "may have been a good singer" and "did some dancing," but he blasted the King of Pop as someone who could not be trusted around children.

"There's nothing good to say about this guy," King continued. "But the bottom line is, would you let your child or grandchild be in the same room as Michael Jackson?"

Monday, July 6, 2009

What Obama Really Inherited

this will give you did me!!!!!


the below is a post about how crazy the ACLU is!!!! They are simply out of control!!! i encourage you to read this short post and visit the link that is at the end to read more about it!!!!

Imagine America without our memorials. How would we remember? How would our children remember?
The ACLU is threatening to tear down all monuments on public land that contain religious imagery. This fall, The Supreme Court will rule on whether these memorials will continue to stand for our freedoms, or if they will be removed permanently. It is our patriotic duty to stand up and tell these left-wing organizations that we won't have our freedoms boarded up or our values torn down. By signing our petition, you will be showing your support for our veterans. Your name will be added to a letter going to the veterans groups of America, thanking them for their service and letting them know you stand with them in the fight to protect our nations war memorials. You can also consider supporting our fight with a generous gift that will go towards our efforts to defend our freedoms at The Supreme Court. Every dollar you send will make a difference in the way that our American veterans are remembered for generations to come! To find out more about other memorials under attack, visit

Sunday, July 5, 2009


What about Sarah Palin arouses a particularly strong reaction? Liberals attack her children, say grotesquely sexist things about her, embrace wacky conspiracy theories about her faking a pregnancy, and insult every woman in America when they suggest she can’t be a good mother and a politician, too.

Well, there are many reasons for it, starting with her gender: Sarah Palin, had she been elected to the White House, would have been the first female vice president. Moreover, she has to be the odds-on favorite at this point to become the first woman president.
That upsets liberal feminists to no end because she is a living, breathing refutation of their style of feminism — which is intellectually bankrupt and seems to stand for nothing more than increasing the number of abortions, encouraging teenage girls to act like skanks, and pointlessly complaining about the “patriarchy.” Sarah Palin represents a totally different style of woman: the conservative feminist. She’s had a successful career, raised a big family, and has done it all without aborting an “inconvenient” child or carping about men keeping her down. The idea that Sarah Palin could become the new role model for feminism terrifies liberals, and it inspires them to ramp up the artillery barrage of malignity that they typically launch at conservative women — which is extraordinarily venomous to begin with. Whether it’s Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, or Carrie Prejean, there are few things on Earth that liberals hate more than strong, conservative women.
Palin’s sex has caused problems for her on the Right as well, but not the problems the Left tells you to expect — like gaggles of men who think she should be barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen. Despite the fact that Sarah Palin was the best thing to happen to John McCain’s presidential campaign, the honest truth is that she was an identity politics pick. Had she been a man, someone with her limited experience would have never been selected. On the Left, this wouldn’t have raised an eyebrow, but on the Right, it created waves of resentment that hurt Palin with some Republicans.
Additionally, Palin’s background has caused issues for her. She is what most politicians pretend to be: just a regular person who climbed up through the ranks. She doesn’t come from old money or a famous family. She didn’t go to an Ivy League school. She hasn’t spent decades kibitzing at New York and D.C. cocktail parties with people who view themselves to be the elite of American society. To the contrary, Sarah Palin is a PTA mom, hunter, and Wasilla beauty queen from small town America who attended five different colleges.
With a pedigree like that it wouldn’t matter if she cured cancer and turned lead into gold; to some elitists in both parties she will never be acceptable.
The woman didn’t even go to an Ivy League school, for God sake — and has she ever been on a yacht? And don’t get them started on those dreadful beauty pageants and the hunting. Maybe if she had hunted foxes in her youth, it would be understandable, but moose? Oh, and the worst thing is that accent. A New York accent or a Boston accent, well, of course, that would be fine — but Alaskan? Imagine bringing her to a dinner party in the Hamptons. People would just titter at her every utterance until they could barely finish their Chardonnay and caviar! For snobs who think like this, Sarah Palin will never be up to code.
when liberals smear her, they’re smearing the person whom they fear they have to go toe-to-toe with in 2012. When they make rape jokes about her children, as did David Letterman, they’re trying to send her a message: “Don’t run for president or we’ll go after your children to get to you.” When they file laughable ethics charge after ethics charge against her, they’re doing it not because they think she did anything wrong, but because they’re hoping the sheer number of false charges will take some luster off a woman known for fighting corruption.
There is also another angle to this — Sarah Palin’s views are much more representative of the average conservative in flyover country than even some Republicans would like. That’s true of Republican moderates who desperately want to see the party abandon its conservative roots. Other Republicans who’ve been in Washington a little too long may grudgingly give lip service to conservative ideas, but truthfully, they believe all wisdom comes from D.C. These are people who never really liked Reagan and who view their constituents as their servants, instead of vice-versa. A prominent Republican politician like Sarah Palin, is a threat to their agenda.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


What does the 4th of July mean to you?
We live in extraordinary times. Times that try men’s souls, as Thomas Paine would say.These are times that prod the individual to assess where he/she stands in regards to loyalty to God and country. Americans could either lose their country or stand stronger than ever.
On our nation’s birthday, it’s pertinent to ask these questions:
–Would you stand up for America should she be attacked, either verbally or physically?
–Do you cherish her honored traditions, or are you trying to change America from within?
–Do you recognize our troops as being a strong force, defending the nation against America’s enemies?
–Are you thankful for America, a fruitful land that has thrived, been blessed by Almighty God? Or are you
happily taking advantage of America’s resources?
–Does your heart swell with pride upon hearing America’s many patriotic songs?
Such gratefulness to Almighty God and America should be forefront during the 4th of July. Many times the meaning of the celebration is lost during the barbecuing and fireworks. The 4th of July is designated as the birthday of America where in 1776, the Declaration of Independence was put together, declaring our independence from Britain.
It seems that many are numb to or have forgotten how we have been blessed and that countries like America don’t come along that often. To ask the above questions of oneself makes all the difference in the world as we have the potential to lose this great nation.
Upon joining America’s military, potential soldiers swear an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Not only is it the soldier’s job to be vigilant for one’s country, it is the citizens’ job as well. But we are not acting in the best interests of our country. We are not acting as the original Constitutionalists did. The original Constitutionalists wouldn’t be happy to see where America is today.
America has no room for those who do not respect this country. Such people are living within our borders. They do not understand what it took for America to get to its prominence in the world. They bash the United States out of jealousy, but continue to live here and take advantage of her goodwill.
A condition of our citizenry that is detrimental to our country is that many American citizens today are not familiar with sacrifice. In generations past, Americans put personal needs and wants aside and thrust themselves into the cause to make sure America remained strong.
I am always impressed with the WWII generation and how they rose to fight a looming evil that is similar to what America and the world faces today. Back at home in America, many women stood behind their men by going to work in shipyards and factories that cranked out planes and other supplies for the war. They were Rosie the Riveter. Their generation is one to be proud of and a model of how we should view our country and its stability. Sit at the feet of someone from the Greatest generation…learn from them, listen to their stories. They have something to teach us. They are a reminder, we must work together and realize who we are as a people.
As with any country, the people is what makes or breaks a country. Know the history of America. Know what makes America tick. Be appreciative.
Tell a Veteran how much you appreciate their service. Reflect on how much sacrifice is required from individuals willing to sacrifice for their nation…be they military personnel or any civilian who takes the concerns of this nation to heart. All those who endeavor to keep America moving should be celebrated.
Indeed, as Americans, we should be proud of our country. But let’s not allow the pride to become toxic and overbearing. We must be mindful that our freedoms are fleeting. They can be taken from us when we least expect it.
In displaying our pride of country, we must always be willing to be on the front lines to preserve the liberty we cherish. Brave and bold men and women created this nation. And it will take such bravery and strength to keep this nation intact.
During this 4th of July, let us not forget where we’ve come from. Let us follow the example of the valiant efforts of those brave souls from our history. It will give us guidance on how to face challenges today and in the future.

Friday, July 3, 2009


A year ago a single young woman came into my office frustrated and confused, she was looking for answers. She had lost her job, her car had broke down and her rent was do. For some time she had been attending a church in Tampa known for its teaching on what is called the “Prosperity Gospel.” This kind of gospel is a mixture of scripture, pop-psychology and American consumeristic culture. It is primarily an American phenomena, not found elsewhere in the world or in church history. This young lady was very perplexed by the fact that God had not prospered her yet. She needed a job, some money for her bills and 2 kids and her car fixed. She told me that she felt entitled to these financial blessings because she faithfully attended her church, listened to christian music regularly and had refrained from sex for a number of months. She seemed not capable of understanding why God was not rewarding her with prosperity, blessings and happiness that all God’s children are entiltled to.
This is a major flaw with prosperity theology, it teaches people that they are entitled to wealth, happiness, good health and other blessings that make us feel good and enjoy life here on earth. It’s teachers tell people that God wants them to have good self esteem and an abundance of all the goodies that this world has to offer. Those who have these things consider themselves blessed and in the will of God. God basically wants to spoil his kids! I guess the most amazing proclamation that I have heard of this theology came from a famous TV preacher who before an audience of thousands with a big smile on his face told his listeners that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead to ensure their prosperity in this life.
Why is this gospel false and biblically unsound? Fact is, the Bible makes no such promises. Yes, there are some in the Bible who were blessed by God with wealth and prosperity; Abraham, Job, Soloman and Jacob for example. But the bulk of scripture does not promise great blessings, a new car, big home or a life of ease and happiness. In fact, much of what we see in scripture is just the opposite. In the Gospels we see a lack of prosperity among the followers of Jesus, Jesus himself was homeless and sympathetic to the poor, never promising them prosperity, better times and positive self esteem in this life. Instead there is much suffering, struggle, persecution and danger in following Jesus.
Erwin McManus in his book The Barbarian Way tells us that being in the will of God is a dangerous place to be. Those in the perfect will of God according to McManus found themselves in situaitions of high risk and danger. Jesus was crucified, Stephen was stoned to death, Paul was beaten, jailed and ship wrecked. In Hebrews 11 many of the great saints unnamed in the early church were not rewarded with prosperity, instead they were throw to lions, beheaded and tortured. The Jerusalem church was almost starved out of exsistance because of persecution and the poverty stricken Corinthian church sent funds for their relief. Where was the promise of prosperity to these people? Did God not care about their self esteem enough to provide them with wealth to buy nice homes and live debt free?
This kind of theology is tailor made for a self indulgent, self absorbed and me centered culture. When you think you are the center of the universe and buy into the materialistic and consumeristic cultural values of the secular world around you, prosperity theology is what fits you best and you see yourself entitled to it!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


hmmmm...remember that 700 something billion dollar bill Obama had to rush to get signed as soon as he got into office.....and on top of that ALL the other billions that have been spent.....what have we seen from this??? NO REALLY???
well as of today July 2, 2009 this is the status..
-Employers in the U.S. cut 467,000 jobs in June
-The jobless rate jumped to 9.5 percent, the highest since August 1983, from 9.4 percent.
-Payrolls were forecast to drop 365,000 after a 345,000 decrease initially reported for May, according to the median of 79 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News. Estimates ranged from declines of 150,000 to 500,000. Job losses peaked at 741,000 in January, the most since 1949.
-The world’s largest economy has lost about 6.5 million jobs since the recession began in December 2007. That’s the biggest drop in any post-World War II economic slump.
-Service providers and government agencies are also looking to lower costs. Gannett Co., the largest U.S. newspaper publisher, yesterday announced it will eliminate about 1,400 jobs by July 9. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said he’ll force state workers to take a third unpaid day off every month to conserve cash and will order lawmakers into an emergency session to tackle the state’s growing budget deficit.

ok...ok...this just a little bit of what is going on right now.......yeah yeah....people still want to "blame Bush"......but how long can you use that excuse for???? oh....and you REALLY think its a GOOD idea to pass this OUTRAGEOUS healthcare bill.....on top on the energy tax they are trying to pass.......I mean seriously....any one knows that if you keep spending more and are going to have way less and ALOT more problems.....EXAMAPLE: you get a credit card in the mail with a pretty high limit.....well you go and spend and buy whatever you want....yeah it feels great at the time.....BUT what about later when the bill comes???? you can try putting off paying it as long as you can....but it will come around and get ya!!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Many of the politicians, academics and those in the elite news media do not seem to understand or care about the failed history of socialism wherever it has been tried in the world. One can only see what is left of the USSR, present day Cuba and Europe to see tangible evidence that socialism is a failed economic system. Our own American history informs us that even when the Pilgrims tried a collective community agricultural system, they almost starved to death. Every country that attempts a centralized, usually government run economy where the utopian goals of equality and economic fairness are enforced by the state, poverty and failure are the result.
In theory socialism sounds good on paper. A world of fairness, sharing and equal distribution of wealth and outcomes appeals to many. The old Marxist slogan “from each according to his means to each according to his need” has a noble and virtuous sound to it. Unfortunately this is not done voluntarily. It ends up having to be enforced upon the population by an oppressive and tyranical government that is hostile toward personal property rights or any other rights the people may have.
Why is the socialistic economic system dysfunctional? History and common sense informs us that when equal distribution of wealth and resources is enforced by the state, human nature being what it is will incline many to allow others to work while they enjoy and consume the productivity and wealth provided by others. As the hard working productive person has the fruit of his labor confiscated by the state and redistributed to those less productive or capable, the incentive to work hard, take risk and produce wealth is lost. Penalizing productivity and rewarding lack of productivity is the great failure of socialism. Those who promote the socialistic economic theory are either ignorant or blind when it comes to human nature. The socialist will condemn the capitalist for greed and unfair accumulation of wealth, but fails to see the human flaw of an inclination to live off others if given the opportunity. Socialists also seem not to care or are unaware that killing off incentive to produce wealth dooms their utopian dreams.
Capitalism is not a perfect economic system, it’s main weakness is greed and looking after individual self interest. But it is the most viable economic system that brings a higher standard of living to it’s practitioners and provides opportunities for those willing to work hard and take risks. On the other hand, socialism does not really spread much wealth because wealth decreases when the lack of incentive is taken away to produce it. As a result, poverty is equally spread among the citizens of any nation that implements it as it’s dominate economic system. Socialism is attractive to governments because it empowers government bureaucrats and politicians and centralizes all power at the seat of government creating a ruling class. Freedom is limited and the population depends on the state to provide their daily needs.
Socialism is the economic theory of the American Democratic Party and President Barack Hussein Obama is it’s leader.
written by Craig Moore


Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.
Ronald Reagan

Why was Ronald Reagan one of the best presidents??? (read below..we are going to have to have another Reagan to help us out of this mess Obama is getting us in...Obama is doing everything opposite that Reagan did).....this is a good read about an amazing man......hope and pray we get another Reagan in 2012

Perhaps the answer lies with the very reason he was also derided – despite his often-goofy countenance, he was looked upon as a man of the American people, for the American people. This was shown by his policies that, although they seemed ill advised at first, slowly but surely changed the fortunes of Americans both at home and abroad. One of these would be what was later dubbed as “Reaganomics”.
When Reagan took over the tenancy of the White House in 1981, America was struggling financially, and in the very real danger of succumbing to a recession as bad as the one that brought the country to it’s knees in the 1930’s. In fact, the US would fall into a recession, but thanks to Reagan’s vision of growth through supply, as well as cutting taxes and social spending, the economy picked up and was actually stronger than ever before.
This tough mentality to see problems out would see him survive two of the most defining moments of his first term in office as well. The first was the assassination attempt on his life shortly after he took office, in March 1981. Despite being shot by would-be assassin Mark Hinckley – who claimed the attempt was to impress Hollywood star Jodie Foster – Reagan survived with the help of stomach surgery. This tied in with his image of the “cowboy President”, and endeared him to both fans and critics alike. He even had time to joke to the surgeons who would operate on him, stating he hoped they were Republicans.
The second big test of his fledgling presidency came in the way he dealt with a crippling air traffic controller strike just four months after his life-saving surgery. Although the air traffic controllers may have had a case like any other employee who feel they aren’t paid what they’re worth, they made a crucial error which the wily Reagan instinctively drew upon. With federal law stating that strikes are prohibited for government employees, Reagan was the ultimate hardball and fired all 11,400 striking controllers. On top of that, he refused to enter into any negotiations with the air traffic union, stating that he wouldn’t negotiate with anyone that’s breaking the law.
Despite being the oldest president ever elected, Reagan was so popular that he easily won a second term in office, with his only loss coming in his opponent Walter Mondale’s home state of Minnesota. With a second term secured and a healthy economy, it was time for Reagan to continue the work he’d started in his first term – namely, ending the Cold War with Russia.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


It seems to me that the actions of the Obama administration are either ideologically naive or a purposeful plan to destroy free market capitalism and replace it with European socialism. The goals of the Marxist is to create an economy that practices economic justice, free of competition and equality for all (except for the ruling elite). In order to achieve these goals, government must be given great powers in order to facilitate this economic system. Since the US Constitution limits the powers of the Federal Government giving rights to citizens, implementing change will take the willingness of citizens to give up their rights and constitutionally granted freedoms. What would motivate free citizens to give up rights they have been entitled to for over 200 years in exchange for an all powerful government ruling over them and limiting their freedoms? Security is the only motivation that I can think of that would cause a free people to surrender to a tyranical government or maybe by force of arms (we haven’t come to that yet, but for the Marxist it is has been done many times).
I think as the economy continues to falter, more deficit spending, stimulus, government bailouts, nationalization of failing companies, higher taxes (i.e. Cap & Trade), universal healthcare, bankrupt states and hostile attitudes toward small businesses will cause near economic collapse. Is this ideological naivete or the use of a crisis to cripple capitalism and cause an economic catastrophy that will bring the American people to a state of panic and make them willing give up their freedoms in exchange for a nanny state that will control their lives and future.
When Obama promised change in his campaign for President he was not kidding. He was just not honest and upfront about the kind of change he had in mind. Americans did not realize they had elected a man President of the United States that was a committed Marxist and the change he had in mind was attempting to change America into a socialist nation. Problem with this vision for America is that socialism has not worked anywhere it has been tried. It fails everytime and eventually these nations end up going back to a free market based economy like Europe is in the process of doing now. Maybe Americans will catch on before it is to late, but my fear is that too many Americans prefer the nanny state and if Obama gets another term with a Democratic congress, radical change will come and I don’t think many will like the poverty it will bring to most.
Written by my Father..
tomorrow ill be wrting about Ronald Reagan


the link to the article below shows an article in TIME magazine...yes it was in the 70's...but it contradicts everything global warmists believe....and now congress is getting to try to pass and energy tax!!!!
people need to do more research on global warming myths....,9171,944914,00.html

Monday, June 29, 2009

these are a good history lesson about the start of our "hopefully wonderful" county..USA

there are a few more reformers you might want to read about....Martin Luthur, John Wesley.......
this is just the start of my blogs... have lots of bible versus that i will post to get people's opionions...they are about lots of different subjests....most about predistnation and election....which i have alot of biblical references....please if you can take time to read my links....they are just a brief start to my introduction.......i have sooo many contrsversinal issues that i will write about..and i want opionion about my thoughts!!!! once again!!! this just a start to my blog!!!! this is the theological part....the history of the start of freedom of religion JUDEO-CHRISTIANITY.....freedom of what denonation you believe....and freedon from government run religion...and life ( seems kinda scary to today).....this is just my begining!!!